It affects the whole family, community and society. Childhood cancer is not an individual disease. The parents of these children also go through pressures. The journey of what they go through on a daily basis, the experience of seeing friends both passing away or losing limbs, and not knowing how much time is left, is wrenching, but the light-hearted attitude of these teenagers is uplifting. Through a make a wish type of organization, she had used her wish to go to Disney World, but Gus tells her that he’s using his wish for the two of them to go to Amsterdam to meet the author. She gets Gus to read it and Hazel only wants to be able to go to Amsterdam to meet the author and ask him what happened to the characters. The book ended abruptly and it was a philosophical book. Hazel loves a certain book, which was the only book written by an author who now lives in Amsterdam. Little by little they get to know each other, and share their likes, all the while making jokes between themselves and others about cancer and death. Especially because she knows that his former girlfriend was also a cancer patient who passed away. He likes Hazel who doesn’t want him to be burdened with someone who’s going to die. Always joking, he’s the type of person that you want to be around. Gus was a natural athlete and walks with a slight limp. Gus is a witty character who loves metaphor, symbolism, grand romantic gestures, and he wishes to die with dignity for something larger than himself.
He falls quickly for Hazel and they begin dating, though she is scared of hurting him through her illness. Gus is thought to have an 80% chance that he’ll beat it and be cancer-free, though he has a relapse midway through the movie that leads to his death late in the movie. Teens are the most frequently affected age group, but osteosarcoma can develop at any age. Most osteosarcomas occur in children and young adults. The cancer cells in these tumors look like early forms of bone cells that normally help make new bone tissue, but the bone tissue in an osteosarcoma is not as strong as that of normal bones. Another patient Augustus (Gus), lost part of his leg to osteosarcoma which is one of the most common type of cancer that begins in the bones. Since she was able to get her GED, Hazel attends classes at a local community college when her health permits.